Established in 1988, the Grand Canyon Conservation Fund is a non profit organization that is committed to aiding local conservation groups and volunteers who provide back country outdoor experiences for visitors with physical or economic difficulties. Completely run by volunteers, one hundred percent of the donations that the organization receives is passed on to non-profit groups in the Grand Canyon area.
One of the most important goals of the Grand Canyon Conservation Fund is creating the same memorable experiences for disabled visitors as the general visitor population. Because of the popularity of the Grand Canyon rafting excursions, it is recommended that visitors start planning their trip at least eight months and as much as two years in advance. Since the early 1990’s, The Grand Canyon Conservation Fund began addressing the issue of providing those with disability and severe mobility issues the ability to enjoy the thrill of the Colorado River and The Grand Canyon. Over two decades later, modern boating and safety equipment created just for passengers with special needs enable thousands of individuals to enjoy the natural wonder of the The Grand Canyon.
Grand Canyon Conservation Fund Allows Visitors a Personal Park Experience
Experienced guides lead visitors of all abilities on an exhilarating trip through the Grand Canyon. To ensure the enjoyment of everyone on the trip, medical screenings and pre-trip discussions are mandatory. Thanks to attendee feedback, new safety equipment and procedures are continuously updated to provide an optimal outdoor experience. Financial assistance is available for visitors with disabilities, thanks to a number of generous grants that fund and promote the ability for every visitor to enjoy the same excitement of experiencing the Grand Canyon. Together with out Access Partners, we are able to provide equipment, specially trained guides and the highest quality medical staff throughout the experience.