Outdoors Unlimited offers 5-25 day tours in either paddle or oar boats. White and calm water experiences throughout your tour allow you to experience the Grand Canyon up close and personal. Daily hikes into side canyons make each day different. Trips can run the whole length of the Colorado in the Grand Canyon or pieces, depending on time and budget. For safety reasons you must be 10 years old to ride this ride, so families with younger children need to look elsewhere and plan accordingly.
Reviews are scarce but positive for this rafting group. Those who raft seem to routinely get the most bang for their buck with few reported mishaps. Do your research and make sure you are physically capable of what you’re planning. These tours require some physical aptitude.
Most popular tours
13 Day Grand Canyon Rafting Trips : Includes 13 days on the Colorado from Lee’s Ferry to Lake Mead. Exploration of side canyons and ruins are part of every day.
5-6 Day Upper Grand Canyon : Includes whitewater rafting of the first 88 miles from Lee’s Ferry to Phantom Ranch. This trip includes a day-hike on the Bright Angel Trail so be prepared as it is considered strenuous.
8-9 Day Lower Canyon : Includes whitewater rafting 192 miles from Phantom Ranch to Lake Mead. Raft the infamous Crystal Rapid and Lava Falls, some of the biggest rapids on the river. This trip includes a day-hike on the Bright Angel Trail so be prepared as it is considered strenuous.